Beetroot Juice Before Bed: Do Beets Help Sleep?

There are certain foods you eat that can prevent you from falling asleep at night leading to tossing and turning all night long. There is a relationship between beetroot juice and sleep and how beetroot affects your brain activity.Beetroot is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Four of those are calcium, manganese, lycopene, and iron, all aid in getting a better night's sleep. Beetroot before bed is used as a way to detox. Beetroot is known for increasing oxygen throughout your body to make you feel more energy. Some people take beetroot in the morning or before a workout to feel an energy boost.Lately, I have been having problems sleeping. Even if I fall asleep I wake up in the middle of the night tossing and turning. I have tried taking sleeping pills but I feel like I shouldn't be dependent on pills to fall asleep, it should come naturally. A friend of mine told me to eat foods that encourage sleep and to get away from caffeine since I love tea. So I started eating more greens, fruits including beetroot and so far it seems to be working.

Drink Beet Juice Any Part of the Day

Drinking beet juice anytime will help your body reap the benefits of this superfood. You can eat beetroot or have some delicious beetroot juice at night, but you can also eat or drink it in the morning.

beet juice in glass on wood table with beets

But choosing whether to take this superfood at night or in the morning depends on the benefits you are trying to reach.

Does drinking beet juice before bed help for a detox?

If you are using beetroot as a detox, some people believe it's best to detox while your body is at rest. Therefore taking beetroot before going to bed will be the best time to start this process or choosing a specific time of day to detox.

If you are using beetroot purely for athletic reasons, then you can drink beetroot juice either before or after your workout.

Before a workout, beetroot juice is known to increase stamina, allowing for a longer workout.While after a workout, drinking beetroot juice is a great recovery drink. A study performed by Northumbria University in England, discovered that drinking beet juice can help muscles recover faster than any other food.

Overall, the benefits of beetroot can help you any time of day.

Benefits of beetroot include:

  • Includes a natural source of vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, manganese, folate (vitamin B9), zinc, and copper

  • Provides antioxidants that help with anti-inflammatory and detoxification support.

  • High in nitrates which aid in digestion and lower your risk for heart disease. Not the same nitrates in hot dogs and bacon, but a natural source are good for your health.

  • Managing blood pressure (those who are on blood pressure medication should still resume medication)

  • Increased physical performance time

  • May improved blood flow

  • Helps brain function

  • "Phytochemicals give plants their color and also stimulate the immune system, minimize inflammation, and reduce oxidative stress."-Medical News Today

  • Beetroots are known for their cancer-fighting properties. Because of their antioxidants, they protect our cells from free-radicals. Betanin has been studied for its ability to protect against cancer.

  • Boosts immunity. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are known to affect our body by increasing our immunity.

  • They are good for your liver.

  • They are even good for your eyes.

  • Increases libido. The mineral boron has properties that benefit sex hormone production. A beet here and there may have an effect on erectile dysfunction.

What You Shouldn’t Eat Or Drink Before Going To Bed

grayscale photo of sleeping woman lying on bed

If you’re having trouble sleeping it may be because you’re stressed out or most probably because of what you eat. Most people don’t think what they eat can affect their sleep but it does.

It may come as a surprise but certain foods can cause you not to fall asleep at night. Taking medication may help but it’s a temporary solution to treating the root cause of the problem.Lack of proper sleep can result in weight gain and health deterioration. If you’re irritable, lack concentration, energy, and fatigue you could be suffering from insomnia.

1.Caffeine Causes People to Have Trouble Sleeping

Most people are addicted to drinking coffee or tea in the evening before going to sleep which can cause them to have trouble sleeping. Caffeine stays longer in your bloodstream which can interrupt your sleep because it affects your central nervous system.

If you don’t want to have sleepless nights make sure you don’t take any caffeinated drinks at least eight hours before you sleep. Some people take warm milk to help them sleep at night. It could work for you too.

2. Avoid Large Meals 3 Hours Before Bed

You can eat a large meal for lunch but avoid stuffing yourself with food in the evening. This will make you feel uncomfortably full when you go to lay down and you won’t be able to sleep.

It’s advisable to take your supper 3 hours before you go to sleep and have a light meal that is low in protein and high in carbohydrates.

3. Limit, Reduce, or Avoid Sugar, Flour, and Other Refined Carbs to Help with Sleep

Refined carbs are all sugars and starches except those that come from natural foods like fruits. Cereals, sweet yogurt, or orange juice, are refined carbs that most people eat for breakfast which increases your blood sugar levels.This affects your appetite, mood, concentration, and energy levels. Processed sugar affects your body. However, eating foods rich in nutrients is known to promote sleep.

4.Foods to Eat or Drink to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

Eating or drinking food before is not all bad. Almonds, turkey, chamomile tea, kiwi, tart cherry juice, fatty fish, dairy products, bananas, oatmeal, or walnuts are all approved to improve your quality of sleep according to - Healthline. Healthline studies have found these interesting facts related to sleep and food.

Add these snacks at night for a way to get a full night's rest:

  • Almonds: Have melatonin and magnesium which both help with sleep.

  • Turkey: the need for a nap after Thanksgiving is much felt and known for turkey having tryptophan which may induce tiredness.

  • Chamomile tea: contains antioxidants that encourage sleeping.

  • Kiwi: serotonin and antioxidants found in kiwi are both known to improve sleep patterns.

  • Tart cherry juice and walnuts: both have melatonin which aids in sleeping

  • Fish: vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish further improve sleep.

  • Dairy products and bananas: well, you may have heard the myth of drinking a warm glass of milk helps you sleep. They are also known to have tryptophan like in turkey.

  • Oatmeal: is known to cause drowsiness so it naturally affects getting a good night's sleep.

Health benefits of sleep in a cartoon info-graph

So if you are having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or need to get rested you can try these foods rich in nutrients.

More Benefits of Beetroot Explained

fresh beetroot on wood table

Do beets help brain function while sleeping?

Beetroot is high in nitrates which are converted into nitric oxide which helps to expand your blood vessels, increasing blood flow and oxygen to your body and brain for a better night's sleep.Regular intake of beetroot juice increases oxygen to your brain slowing down diseases like dementia. As you grow older your cognitive functions decrease but beetroot juice helps to improve those functions.Beetroot juice contains calcium and magnesium that have a tranquilizing effect so you’re able to sleep better without interruptions.

Those who consumed the beet juice drink showed improved function in the areas of the brain related to motor control, emotion, and cognition, compared to those in the placebo group.

How Beetroot Improves Your Exercise Performance

The nitric oxide in beetroot gives you more energy and stamina to exercise for longer and burn more calories for a healthier body. Exercising regularly in the evening after work can help improve the quality of your sleep. It also improves your respiratory, metabolism, and cardiovascular systems and helps them function properly.

How Beets Improve Digestion

Beetroot juice is rich in soluble fibers that promote a healthy digestive tract. With more fiber in your colon, it becomes easier to go to the loo more frequently and remove toxic waste in your body hence preventing constipation and bloating. It's very hard to sleep if you have a problem with your stomach so a healthy stomach means better sleep.

Eating enough fiber protects against constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, acid reflux, ulcers, diverticulitis, and obesity.

Why is beetroot good for sleep?

Having a good night's sleep is important for your mental and physical health. When you’re not able to sleep you get moody, anxious, and stressed. Refined sugars, caffeinated drinks, and eating large meals are some of the things that prevent you from having quality sleep.Beetroot juice and sleep are related in that beet juice gives you the energy to exercise better and thus sleep better. Also with improved digestion, you don't get up frequently during the night. Watch this for more information on the benefits of beetroot juice.


Who should avoid beetroot?

1.Anyone who has low blood pressure or is taking blood pressure medication should ask a doctor before adding beetroot or beetroot juice to their diet.

2.Anyone who has a history of kidney stones. Beetroots have high levels of oxalates which can result in kidney stones.3.Those who have an allergic reaction to beetroot. Stomach cramps after eating beets may be a sign of an allergic reaction.4.Those with stomach issues such as GI disorder.5. Be cautious not to eat too much beetroot. Oxalates can cause gouts.

Is it safe to drink beetroot juice every day?

Consuming 2 glasses of beetroot juice daily is the recommended amount you can drink. Drinking beet juice gives you the energy to exercise for longer which helps you to sleep better. It's important for those with low blood pressure will need to monitor their blood pressure if beetroot becomes part of their daily food intake.

What happens if you eat beetroot juice every day?

When you include beets in your daily diet you may experience these benefits:

  • controlled blood pressure

  • improved brain function

  • More stamina when exercising

  • may prevent cancer

  • Potassium levels at their best helping you fight fatigue, weakness, and muscle cramps

  • You may notice a boost in your immune system because of the nutritional contents of this superfood

  • Your liver and eyes will thank you

  • helps promote healthy levels of sex hormones.

  • regulated bowel movements decreasing constipation due to beets having high fiber.

How long does it take a glass of beet juice to lower blood pressure?

Beets have high levels of natural nitrates. Your digestive system then converts the nitrates into nitric oxide. This allows your blood vessels to relax and widen, which slows blood flow/lowers blood pressure.

The nitrates in two beets are the same as one glass of beet juice. Once you drink the beet juice your blood pressure drops by 10 mmHg and after 3-6 hours, it drops further.

Does beet juice make you run faster?

Studies have shown that beet juice improves your athletic endurance and performance. By boosting your energy levels, you’re able to run faster for a longer period of time. Beet juice also helps to restore your body after an intense or regular workout.

Can you drink beetroot at night?

Taking beetroot any time is not a problem, the problem is taking it in excess. It can lead to some serious side effects like kidney stones.