A Beginner’s Guide to Making Requests with Python

Oh great, another tutorial on how to make a request with Python. Just what the world needs. But since you’ve stumbled upon this post, I’ll do my best to make it worth your while. Let’s dive in!

First things first, what exactly do we mean by making a request? Well, it’s pretty simple. When we want to get some data from a server, we need to send a request to that server. This could be a request for a webpage, some data from an API, or even just a simple file. In Python, we can use the requests library to make these requests. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Step 1: Installing the Requests Library

Before we can start making requests, we need to install the requests library. But you probably already knew that. It’s like when you decide you want to make pancakes for breakfast and you realize you don’t have any flour. First things first, you need to go to the store and get some flour. In the same way, we need to use pip to install the requests library. Here’s the command:

pip install requests

Step 2: Making a Simple Request

Now that we have the requests library installed, let’s make a simple request. Imagine you’re asking your friend for a pencil. You say “Hey, can I borrow a pencil?” and your friend hands you a pencil. It’s that simple! In Python, we can use the get function from the requests library to make a request for a webpage. Here’s the code:

import requests
response = requests.get('https://www.google.com')print(response.text)

In this code, we’re making a request to https://www.google.com and printing out the response. The text attribute of the response contains the HTML of the webpage.

Simple, right?

Step 3: Adding Query Parameters

Now let’s say you want to ask your friend for a pencil, but you want a blue pencil. You might say “Hey, can I borrow a blue pencil?” In the same way, we can add query parameters to our request to ask for specific data. For example, let’s say we want to get the weather for a specific location. We can add query parameters to our request to specify the location. Here’s the code:

import requests

response = requests.get('https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather', params={'q': 'London'})

In this code, we’re making a request to the OpenWeatherMap API to get the weather for London. We’re using the params parameter to add the q query parameter to our request. The json method of the response converts the JSON data returned by the API into a Python dictionary.

Step 4: Adding Headers

Finally, let’s say you’re asking your friend for a pencil, but you want to borrow it for a week. You might say “Hey, can I borrow a blue pencil for a week?” In the same way, we can add headers to our request to provide additional information.

For example, let’s say we want to make a request to an API that requires an API key. We can add a header to our request to provide the API key. Here’s the code:

import requests

headers = {'X-API-KEY': 'my_api_key'}
response = requests.get('https://api.example.com/data', headers=headers)

In this code, we’re making a request to an API that requires an API key. We add a headers dictionary to our request, which includes our API key. The json method of the response again converts the JSON data returned by the API into a Python dictionary.

Advanced Requests

Now that we’ve covered the basics of making requests with Python, let’s take a look at some more advanced techniques.Making a POST RequestSometimes we need to send data to the server in order to create or update a resource. In this case, we can use the post function from the requests library. Here’s an example of sending a JSON payload to a server:

import requests

payload = {'name': 'John Doe', 'email': 'johndoe@example.com'}
response = requests.post('https://api.example.com/users', json=payload)

In this code, we’re sending a JSON payload to the server to create a new user. The json parameter of the post function automatically serializes our Python dictionary to JSON before sending it to the server.Sending FilesSometimes we need to send files to the server, for example when uploading a profile picture.

In this case, we can use the post function with the files parameter. Here’s an example of sending a file to a server:

import requests

files = {'file': open('picture.jpg', 'rb')}
response = requests.post('https://api.example.com/upload', files=files)

In this code, we’re sending a file to the server using the files parameter of the post function. The open function is used to open the file in binary mode, and the 'rb' parameter specifies that we want to read the file in binary mode.

Handling Errors

Of course, not everything always goes smoothly when making requests. Sometimes the server returns an error, or the request times out. In these cases, we need to handle the error gracefully. Here’s an example of handling a 404 Not Found error:

import requests

response = requests.get('https://api.example.com/users/123')
if response.status_code == 404:
    print('User not found')

In this code, we’re checking the status code of the response to see if it’s 404 Not Found. If it is, we print a message indicating that the user was not found. Otherwise, we assume that the request was successful and parse the JSON response as before.


Well, there you have it. A sarcastic, but hopefully detailed, guide to making requests with Python.

We’ve covered the basics of making a request, adding query parameters and headers, and some more advanced techniques like making a POST request, sending files, and handling errors.

If you’re new to Python or web development, this might seem overwhelming at first, but with a bit of practice, you’ll be making requests like a pro in no time!