Sterilization is a surgical procedure performed on female cats. As with any such procedure, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations in order to ensure your pet’s good health. If you have no idea how to take care of a sterilized cat, the following tips will help you get through it.
Preparing for the Post-Operative Period
Sterilization requires general anesthesia for your cat. You will not go home until the effects of the anesthesia have dissipated, which implies that the animal has woken up. Be prepared to give your cat the attention and tenderness it needs to recover quickly.
As a prelude to the sterilized cat food, make sure he doesn’t move around too much during the first few days. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations carefully to ensure your pet’s recovery.
Opt for a Diet Adapted to your Pet’s New Condition
After sterilization, your cat will transform quite quickly which will have a considerable impact on its weight. In fact, sterilized cats are subject to an increase of about 20 to 25% in their appetite.
This situation creates a weight increase when their diet is not controlled. Your role will be to monitor your cat’s diet by feeding him foods that are less rich in calories.
It is generally recommended to opt for sterilized cat food recipes. In addition, your help will help him control his appetite.
During the so-called critical period (18 weeks after sterilization), it is essential that you pay special attention to your companion.
It is indeed during this time that the cat gains weight and it is possible to not notice it if you are not attentive. You must therefore control your pet’s food intake as soon as he returns home. This will allow you to prevent weight gain. You can train him no to eat too much.
Keeping an Eye on your Cat’s Urinary Hygiene
It is very important to monitor the urinary hygiene of a sterilized cat even years after the procedure.
In fact, 90% of urinary stone problems are observed in sterilized cats. It is therefore important to keep an eye on your pet’s hygiene in order to prevent their appearance. To do so, adopt recipes for sterilized cat food for good urinary hygiene.
Correctly follow the recommendations of the veterinarian if your animal seems to recur or predispose to the appearance of stones. If you have a cat that drinks a lot, give him a sufficient quantity of water through freshly pouched or canned food.
Stimulate your Cat’s Physical Activity
A few days after sterilization, stimulate your pet’s physical activity. This is an essential point, because your cat’s level of activity must evolve according to his living condition.
Keep in mind that your cat’s needs will change after sterilization. If he used to bask in the sun and spend most of his time on the couch, he will no longer do so.
Even if you don’t spend your time cuddling and giving affection, spend 5 to 10 minutes playing with your cat. This will give him energy.
It is also a moment of pleasure between you and your companion. By stimulating his physical activity, you save your pet from bulimia and boredom.
Will my cat be in pain after the operation?
Normally not. Before returning your cat to you, your veterinarian will have injected anti-inflammatory or painkillers to avoid any pain.
You will not need to give any pills.
Depending on his needs, he may also give him antibiotics as a preventive measure to avoid any infection.
Can my cat eat tonight after her sterilization?
Yes, but not much.
Spaying a male cat is a very quick procedure, without entering the abdominal cavity. Your cat will be able to have a small light meal in the evening if he wishes.
On the other hand, spaying a female cat requires entering the abdominal cavity to remove the ovaries.
Because of this, the anesthesia takes a little longer and your cat may be tired and not want to eat for 24 hours.
This is normal, don’t force her, her appetite will return, don’t worry! However, leave some water available.
Can my cat go out after her sterilization?
If possible, avoid going outside for 2 to 3 days.
That evening, your cat may be a little “out of it” due to the effect of the anesthesia, so if it climbs on a piece of furniture, it may fall.
He won’t have all his reflexes either: face to face with another very “territorial” cat it might be difficult for him.
The anaesthetic is eliminated from the body only after a few hours, slows down certain reflexes such as the one to close the pupil in front of the light, your cat can thus be very disturbed by the light or violent noises.
The ideal is to set up a small corner in a dark, quiet room (without noises) by placing a pleasant blanket on the floor, so that it is warm and does not risk falling.
Finally, during 24 to 48 hours the outside environment can stain the unsutured wounds of male cats or the bandage of females.
You can also send me your feedback if you have already had your cat spayed or neutered. How did it go when you came back from the vet?
What precautions did you take with your cat to help her get through this process? I would be very curious to hear your opinion, so please contact me!