Marvelous Health Benefits of Pickled Beets

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You can ensure beets maintain their flavor even after weeks of preserving. If you do not preserve them well, they lose flavor and start to go bad. All this changes when pickling with vinegar.

Pickled beets contain a good source of Vitamin C and can help improve blood flow. Beetroot juice mixed with vinegar is a great way to cleanse your digestive system and may help lower blood pressure.

With all the health benefits of beets, it is sad how fast they lose flavor. Here's all you need to know about mixing beets with vinegar to enjoy them longer.

Are Pickled Beets Good For You?

Eating pickled beets are a good way to get vitamins and minerals into your body with added flavor. Since beets are a good source of iron, keeping iron and potassium levels up can benefit from foods like pickled beets.

High on nutrients, low on calories

Pickled beets are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are also low on calories which means you can consume them as many times as you want. Fermented beets contain less sugar than raw beets. You will never worry about a bulging waistline as you consume a healthy snack made straight from your kitchen.

Health benefits of beets as a healthy energy drink

Have you always wanted a healthy energy drink without the harmful preservatives of store-bought goods? Then you will find a great answer in fermented pickled beets.

Pickled beets add a healthy dose of nitrates into your body. These nitrates convert to nitric oxide and energy. Your body uses this energy to boost performance endurance.

What are the Health Benefits of Pickled Beets?

Loaded with betalains

Pickled beets are rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients known as betalains. Betalains will help reduce inflammation and lower risk of heart disease and ailments like arthritis or cancer. Scientific studies show that pickled beets juice reduce liver inflammation in lab rats.

Today we have betalain capsules which help reduce osteoarthritis inflammation. Consuming homemade pickled beets provide the same benefits. You do not have to spend your money on pharmaceutical medication.

A healthy gut

Want to improve your digestive health? Include lots of pickled beets in your diet. Beets are a rich source of fiber that helps with digestion. Fiber also feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut known as probiotics. Regular consumption of pickled beets helps prevent constipation and inflammatory gut disease.

Beets are high in oxalates and may promote kidney stones forming in susceptible people. Consume in moderation if you've have a history of kidney stones.

Do pickled beets help blood pressure?

Fermented beets are rich in nitrates. The body converts nitrates into nitric oxide which helps blood vessels to expand. This ensures a sufficient flow of blood from the heart to all body organs. It reduces the risks of heart disease and low blood pressure.

Medical findings show that consuming pickled beets lowers blood pressure by 10 mmHg in 2 to 4 hours.

Tips for preserving pickled beets

Once you start consuming your pickled beets, store the jar in a refrigerator. Ensure the jar is tightly covered to prevent oxygen from entering.

Oxygen will cause yeast to convert more sugar into alcohol. The beets may grow extremely sour if the root vegetable has too much oxygen. Keeping the pickled beet jar tightly sealed preserves the fresh taste of your pickled beets.

The best part about homemade pickled beets is that they do not have an expiry date. Ensure the jar remains undamaged and the sealing lead is intact. Once in a while, inspect the contents of the jar to ensure they are not spoiled.

You can know how long do pickles expire judging by their texture, flavor, and color. If all of any of these is feels off to you, then your pickled beets have gone bad. Do not consume them as you risk a bacterial infection.

The best test to know do pickles go bad is by smelling the contents of your jar. If there is a foul odor in the pickled beets, they are spoilt. You may also notice mold growing on the side of the jar indicating bad pickled beets.

Another warning sign of spoilt pickled beets is if you jar develops a leak or rust. Also, if the jar’s lead is bulging, too much gas is accumulating inside. The fermentation process has gone longer than expected and your pickled beets will have a sour taste.

How long do pickled beets last?

If you are wondering ‘How long are pickles good for?”, it all depends on how you store them. Using vinegar as a preservative is the first step to ensuring your pickled beets last.

The use of vinegar dates back to 3000 BC. Vinegar served as a preservative and condiment. As a beverage, the fermented liquid earned the name ‘poor man’s wine’. Ancient communities made vinegar out of barley, cider, and rice.

The main ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid. The PH level in acetic acid inhibits the growth of bacteria. This is why vinegar can act as a preservative for any type of food including beetroot. The benefit of pickling beets is that both the beet and liquid are consumable.

While we expect pickled beets to last longer, in some cases they might go bad very quickly. How long do homemade pickles last will depend on how well you preserve them after fermenting?

Can I add vinegar to my used pickled beets?

Yes, add more vinegar to your pickled beets to ensure the contents are fully immersed. You may also add water instead of vinegar.

When will pickled beets be ready?

After sealing the jar, let the pickled beets sit for a week. Once opened, refrigerate the beets to keep them fresh for the next two months.

Can I reuse pickled beets juice?

Yes, you can. You also can reuse the jar itself after consuming your first supply of pickled beets.

Are pickled beets keto-friendly?

Pickled beets are low on carbohydrates and fit in your keto diet.