Why Soapstone Griddles Are So Effective

Grilling meat directly over an open flame can increase your risk of CANCER by 50% – 70%. We love grilling too much AND our health too much to accept this type of risk.  Enter Soapstone Griddle, over the last 3 years we did our homework and came up with a product that would afford us the best of both worlds, our health, and our grill.

Did you know the lifestyle factors of diet and tobacco-use together account for approximately 70% of all human cancer, with diet by itself accounting for 35%-45% of human cancer (Goodherham et al., 1996)? In other words, approximately 80,000 per one million people are estimated to get cancer from diet-related causes.

Points we found in our research to reduce the risk of cancer from grilled foods;

  1. The American Cancer Society recommends avoiding fat dripping onto the hot coals or open flame which causes smoke and flare-ups that can contain carcinogens.
  2. The National Cancer Institute recommends avoiding direct exposure of meat to an open flame or a hot metal surface which causes charring and carcinogen mutation.
  3. The NCI also recommends avoiding prolonged cooking of meat at high temperatures (over 300ºF).
  4. Research published by MSNBC and other science journals recommend using a homemade marinade (avoid thick commercially available marinades).

Features we built into our Soapstone Griddle

  1. Using the best griddle will remove your meat from an open flame or a hot metal surface (As recommended by the National Cancer Institute).
  2. Using our Soapstone Griddle will prevent flare-ups from dripping fat (As recommended by the American Cancer Society).
  3. Soapstone’s temperature qualities allow you to cook at lower temperatures and achieve the same results in the same amount of time (As recommended by the National Cancer Institute).
  4. Our Soapstone Griddle’s groove design will naturally self-baste creating a moist, organic marinade while melting away unwanted fat (As recommended by science journals and reported by major news outlets).

Best Soapstone Griddles, Cookware, Pots & Stone Cookers

01. Brazilian Soapstone Griddle or Pizza Pan with Copper Handles

02. Soapstone Griddle and Pizza Tray with Handles

03. Soapstone Cooking and Baking Surface

04. Soapstone Safety Saute Cooker

05. Brazilian Eco-friendly Soapstone Stew Pot

Why Soapstone Griddle?

Soapstone Griddles are carved out of the finest soapstone that the earth has to offer. For centuries soapstone has been used for its ability to retain and radiate heat for long periods of time.

Native Americans used it for cooking slabs, pipes, and bowls.

To this day it is the material of choice for wood burning stoves and masonry heaters. Brazilians use soapstone cookware for all their culinary needs.

In the United States, it is mostly used for countertops in high-end homes, as well as in laboratories. Soapstone is nonporous and is ideal for use around food because it will not harbor bacteria, stain and it will not rust.

We Need To Avoid Dangerous Cookware, See What Say The Experts!

Give Your Grill an Upgrade

Whatever grill you might have, a Soapstone Griddle will make it better, period. Find out what many cultures have known for centuries, that soapstone is one of Mother Nature’s greatest cooking tools. It will change the way you grill.

By using soapstone’s ability to heat evenly and consistently, you can turn any ordinary grilling experience into a phenomenal one.

Our Soapstone Griddles are specially designed to harness soapstone’s unique cooking capabilities. Soapstone does not have any sort of taste and will, therefore, not add any unwanted flavors to meats or vegetables.

It is also non-porous, which makes it ideal for use around food, as it is resistant to harboring bacteria.

*** The stone protects your food against hot spots and flare-ups, while still allowing that smoky BBQ flavor to access your food. It also reduces cancer-causing carcinogens produced in a normal grilling environment.

Special and Effective Soapstone Design

The ridges on the stone raise the meat slightly above the cooking surface and allow it to brown by preventing escaping juices from contacting the meat. They also leave grill marks, which is the signature of any well-cooked steak.

The troughs are designed to collect the juicy drippings so that they may be recycled into a moist and flavorful environment that will continually baste your meat in its own juices while melting away any unwanted fats.

Our slabs have been fire tested to 1200°F so you can sear a steak at exceptional temperatures, or cook ribs low and slow until the meat falls off the bone. We have no doubt that you will soon feel like we do and even a good steak house will lose its appeal.

Your Soapstone Griddle was also designed for use in direct conjunction with pellet grills.

The ability of the soapstone to store and radiate heat will enable the pellet cooker to maintain a constant temperature in varying conditions, thus reducing the number of pellets that need to be burned to maintain the desired temperature.

Better yet, it keeps the heat right next to the food, which is where it is needed. The soapstone will enable the grill to return to the desired temperature much quicker if the lid has to be opened and will cut down on heat loss.

This is not only a savings of our natural resources and environment, but it is also a considerable saving passed on to you, the consumer.

It also serves as a heat deflector in pellet grills, charcoal grills, and gas grills. By placing the Grill Slab directly over the flame it will absorb the heat and radiate it evenly throughout the grill thus eliminating hot and cold spots.

It will also keep the direct flame from drying out the meat. The end result is juicier, tender meat that is evenly cooked.

You can also turn it over and use the flat surface to cook fish or vegetables. By placing it upside down over a range stove you can use it as a griddle.

The possibilities become endless when you start thinking about it. So give your imagination the Sparq that it needs. Your taste buds will thank you.


Gooderham, N. J., Murray, S., Lynch, A.M., Yadollahi-Farsani, M., Bratt, C., Rich, K.J., Ahao, K, Murray, B.P., Bhadresa, S., Crosbie, S.J., Boobis, A.R., & Davies, D.S. (1996). Heterocyclic amines: Evaluation of their role in diet associated with human cancer. British Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 42, 91-98.

“Pancreatic cancer risk: associations with meat-derived carcinogen intake.” Presented at the April 18-22, 2009 American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Meeting in Denver, CO. First author: Kristin Anderson, Ph.D., associate professor and cancer epidemiologist with the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health and Masonic Cancer Center.

(1) http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/news/Features/a-backyard-chefs-guide-to-healthy-grilling

(2&3) http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/cooked-meats

(2) Knize MG, Felton JS. Formation and human risk of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines formed from natural precursors in meat. Nutrition Reviews 2005; 63(5):158–165.

(3) Jägerstad M, Skog K. Genotoxicity of heat-processed foods. Mutation Research 2005; 574(1–2):156–172.

(4) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8499202/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/