How to Attach Carpet to a Cat Tree

Do you have a cat tree that has seen better days, with carpeting hanging loose and coming off? It might be time to remove the old carpeting and add some new. That, or maybe you have built a cat tree frame and need to attach the carpet. In this article, we will discuss how you … Read more

When to Replace a Cat Scratching Post

Many people ask the question when to replace a cat scratching post? Well, it depends on a few things. Is the post worn out from heavy use, or has come to nothing by water damage or cat pee? Are you able to repair the scratching post with sisal rope or using carpet if you’re a … Read more

Best Material for Cat Scratching Post & How To Choose

Having cats at home is therapeutic. After all, these pets are adorable since you can tickle, cuddle, and play with them. However, having cats also has its downside.  As you can be dealing with cat scratching and damage on furniture like the couch or dining chairs as well as the rugs, carpets, and walls. The … Read more

How to Measure a Cat for a Harness

Pet owners, like those who have dogs do not think twice about walking them with on a leash and a harness. For cats, it’s a little bit of a different story. It is not that cats can’t use harnesses and leashes. It is just that cats are not very welcoming to the idea so much. … Read more

How Much Sisal Rope Do I Need for a Scratching Post?

When it comes down to it, the best material for any cat scratching post is sisal rope. It’s very affordable, super durable, and quite easy to work with as well. Determining the amount of sisal rope you will need depends on the height and circumference of the scratching post. The second thing to determine is … Read more

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Why is My Cat Scratching Doors at Night?

Probably one of the most annoying things your pet cat does to keep you up all night is them scratching your doors and meowing at an unbelievable intensity. It ruins not just your good night’s sleep but your walls and doors, as well. If your cat is scratching doors at night it might be a … Read more

How To Re-carpet a Cat Tree

Your cat might be your best friend, and rightfully too. These animals are loyal and they make for some good entertainment. Seeing as you, the owner, are the one who needs to supply your cat with everything it needs, it is up to you to provide it with a good resting area, a perch, something … Read more

Can You Crate a Cat During the Day?

Are you having issues in terms of leaving your cat at home alone during the day, especially in terms of letting it roam around the house? Many people wonder whether or not it is OK to keep a cat in a crate during the day, which is what we are here to figure out. So, … Read more